Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 4

Weeks 3 and 4 are out of order because week 3 Elder Johnson left the MTC. When he got to the mission home he wrote letters, but they weren't mailed out until this week and we don't have them yet. I will post week 3 when it arrives in the mail. This posting is from an email Elder Johnson sent on Monday, October 13, 2008.

Hi everybody!

So Spokane rocks! It is so beautiful up here! There are pine tress everywhere! I'm sending some pictures out in the mail sometime today or tomorrow or whenever. There's a few of the trees and the lake that is in the Woodrigde Ward. There will be a few of my pictures from the MTC as well. When I have a ton of pictures I'll just put them all onto a cd and send them all. Give the cd a month or so. I'll just send a few at a time for now. [No pictures yet, but I promise I'll post them as I get them!]

So I'm stationed in both the Indian Trail Ward and the Woodridge Ward. They both are awesome. When I got here there was a family on date to get baptized in the Indian Trail Ward and a few investigators and a bunch of potentials. Mostly we've been visiting members and less actives to get me introduced.

The family that's on date to be baptized is awesome! They're the Hargraves. Sister Hargraves is just getting over smoking. She'll be done with the chruch's stop smoking program tomorrow! She's really determind to be ready for baptism. The two girls are already ready, but they've been waiting for their mom. One of the girls is about 14 with a simple, but firm, testimony and the other girl has had hers for a while. She kind of opened the door to her family I guess. She returned from BYU and brought home a desire to learn more about the church. I think that's how it went, I don't really know much of the background story. I don't really know much background with anybody yet, but I will.

Tyler is an awesome dude! He's a 16 year old who needs to be taught the commandments. He's coming to church next Sunday and wants us to teach him '3 times this week'. He loves learning about the gospel! I think we will be able to get him on date to be baptized in November. I like teaching him I've gotten to see him progress already!

Another family is a non-married couple and her son. They need to stop smoking and get married, but they have big desire and that's what will pull them through. It's going to take them a long time, but I think they'll get there if they keep striving together. I wish I could tell you more about them but I know they wouldn't appriciate it.

NOBODY EMAIL ME ON MY HOTMAIL ACCOUNT PLEASE! [If you email him on his hotmail account I will make sure he gets it, but he prefers getting letters in his real mail box.]

Elder Hightower [Elder Johnson's companion] is a great trainer.. as far as I can tell anyway. He's patient though. I bet he's thinking of getting a dart board though just so he can put my green face on it. If he is, he doesn't let me know it though, he's a good dude.

Elder Hightower and I live in Brother and Sister Marx's basement. It's basically an appartment and it's nice. The elders call it the Tashma Hall.

I heart all of you,
Elder Johnson
-A.K.A. (That one guy who likes you who lives in northern Spokan right now at this very moment)

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